
Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Rhema For Living By Apostle Johnson & Rev Lizzy Suleman Date: 7th February. 2017

Scriptural reading:- John 3:22-36
TOPIC:- MY EARS HEAR!                                    
TEXT:"But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear." Matthew 13:16.           In our Rhema of today, we shall look at the second aspect of the believer's spiritual uniqueness. This is having hearing ears. The ears of a child of God are blessed, they are hearing ears, hearing beyond the natural.

To be spiritual deaf is to be at the mercy of circumstances; it is to miss out on one's sonship which is enforced on earth by the leading of the spirit of God. " For as many as are led by the spirit if God, they are the sons of God." The hearing ears hear the voice of God, they hear the voice of the spirit beyond the letters of the word. They are blessed ears because not only do they hear, they are graced with understanding. But for others out there, Jesus said, " by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive ". Matthew 13:14. Having hearing ears is your covenant entitlement; it is your right as a child of God. So whatever tampered or wish  to tamper with your receptiveness of spiritual sounds must be destroyed. Jesus says about you, " My sheep hear my voice, and u know them, and they follow me."John 10:27. I pray for you, the era of spiritual deafness has come to an end in your life.
 My father, my God, as I pray right now, I speak to my ears, by the blood of Jesus, begin to hear from this day by fire.

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