
Monday, 6 February 2017

Highlight of Sunday second service 5th February 2017 with APOSTLE JOHNSON SULEMAN

You identity is not your name or ID card. It is not on Wikipedia or Google.
The true definition of a man is his attitude to money.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and shoes
Text:Genesis 47:15, prov11:4,Eccl 9:14-16.
Topic: when money fails.

If all you consider as strength is the money you have then you don't have strength at all.
**** Money fails when it is gotten illegally.
when you fraud others, life will do to you likewise.

prov6:20,48:36, Eph4:28, Jere 17:11,Eze39:10,prov28:24,Isaiah 17:14.
Prayers section:
Luke 4:4.
1.My father my father as I begin to pray, o God give me appitte for your word.
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting
2.vs 8. Oh lord let the strength, zeal,hunger for service fall upon my life. father my father I will not miss my place, I will not be displaced in life. father my father as I begin to pray,whatever the enemies has done against my life, scatter now by fire.
5. Oh lord reveal to me the source of my problems and handle it for me. father my father as I begin to pray, any satanic manipulation under which I am under, scatter now by fire.
7.My father my father as I begin to pray, every territorial demoters simplifying my Efforts and amplifying my Errors Expire now!
8. My father my father as I begin to pray, any my properties as been taken to the waters, I retrieve it back now by fire. father my father as I begin to pray, Every strange personalities living inside me,come out now and die.
10. My father my father as I begin to pray, Spirit of premature death your time is up in my family.
11. Oh lord I refuse to bury my evidence (children).
12. Oh lord let the power of death over my life be broken now.
13. Oh lord! Anything that is putting me down in life, I break your powers.
14.oh Lord, every tongue that is speaking against my life progress,success, lifting and Advancement I pluck off your tongue now by fire.
15.oh lord whatever that has tempered with any part of my body expire now.
16.oh lord! Break every powers of manipulation in my life now.
17. My God my helper, let my life reflect and enjoy victory and help from above .

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