
Tuesday, 24 October 2017

highlight of the ministers without blemish October 2016 edition by Apostle Johnson Suleman.

 Don't desire to have a spiritual father you can always talk to. Don't be too close to your man of
God or else you will be familiar with him and if you become familiar with him, his anointing cannot
bless you. If you are too familiar with your man of God, you will soon have a familiar spirit.
- Anyone that hears your message can leave you, anyone who gives you money can leave you, but
anyone that carries your spirit cannot leave you.
- It might take Time, but your Change will come.

- Have you noticed as a pastor trying to play gimmicks, after trying all the gimmicks, you will
notice that, no one bless you after all. It was only one man you were genuine to, who later blessed
you. So you should know that, it's not your gimmicks that pave a way for you but being a genuine
man of God. If you are a pastor for five years and you have never raised a dead man before, you
are indeed a disgrace. What hundred years of sermon can't do, one miracle will do. Pray that
God backs your ministry with power...

- Anyone who just follows you can leave you. Anyone who just keeps listening to your messages can
leave you, anyone who gives you money or you give money can leave you but anyone who has your
spirit or carry your spirit can't leave you...
- Don't desire to have a spiritual father you can always talk to. Don't be too close to your man of
God or else you will be familiar with him and if you become familiar with him, his anointing cannot
bless you. If you are too familiar with your man of God, you will soon have a familiar spirit.
- How can you be under a man of God you see him building a church and you don't contribute
anything but wants him to dedicate your house. An anointing you don't sow under cannot bless you.
- The reason why some people can come to your church and later leaves is because, they don't have
your spirit. If they had, they would have stayed.
If God must not disgrace you;

• You need the right people.
- The reason why many nonsense happen in churches is because many young men hanging around
great men are idle.
- Anyone that hears your message can leave you, anyone who gives you money can leave you, but
anyone that carries your spirit cannot leave you.
- It might take Time, but your Change will come.
As a pastor when God gives you people who don't have money, don't leave them. No one knows
- My Father, my Father in Jesus Name, anyone close to me, who has what it takes to help me
but don't have my spirit to help me, may my spirit comes upon them to help me in Jesus Name... Amen
- There are certain things that God does to push you out, because people who are too comfortable
can’t expand.
- Any Minister of God who has not come to a point where he prays and God is silent has not

- Ministry is only a Load when there is no Result.
- If God must anoint you, you must be flexible, you must not be rigid.
- If God must use you, He must take you through bitter Experiences.
- If God must use you, you must be a barrack boy, trained by the Spirit of God.
- Some pastors speak against prophecy and wait for their members to go to herbalist. If you don't
have it, you don't have it. Don't speak against it.

- There are three ways of testing someone. Loyalty, commitment and service.
- There are many men of God who have seen everything in a moment of time.
- Any minister who sees everything in a moment of time will always fall down.
- If your attitude to money is wrong, your ministry can never be right.
- Competition is on the platform of inferiority Complex.
- Don't waste your time to explain to people who already have bad perception about you. Whatever
people don't understand. they criticise. Even what they understand, they still destroy. Therefore, it's
better they don't understand, in order for them not to destroy.
- The worse thing that can happen to you in ministry is to be a man/woman who has a price…
- Action is not unction, but every Unction carries Action.
- Your Character is the prophecy of your future.
- Your Backing determines your Backbone.
- Ministry is not built on how many degrees you have,

To fulfill Ministry you must understand that the Foundation for Ministry is Character…
- The Motive of Ministry is Service.
- Ministry is not about the Crowd, because you can lose that Crowd in Minutes,
The Strength of Ministry is Love...
- -Pastor Do not kill yourself over members
- Do not allow members make you feel you're not anointed
- The foundation of ministry is character not gifts
- Your character is the prophecy of your future
- The motive of ministry is service Not being bossy
- Sometimes as a pastor, clean the chairs, carry instrument, you're serving
- The strength of ministry is Love (for God not crowd)
- If you want a big ministry now now now, you don't love God cos Love is patient
- The authority for ministry is submission

- Ministry is the only place pastors are expecting what they don't do
- Many pastors have introduced Jesus, but they have not stepped aside,
God is looking for ministers that will introduce Jesus and step aside…
- Whom you follow determines what will follow you.

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