
Wednesday, 14 June 2017


*1.NEVER DESTROY YOUR FUTURE BY WHAT YOU ARE DOING TODAY*-You have a great destiny.Your future is hidden in what you are doing today.Everything in your future is already in your present.The choice you make today determines the future you enjoy.
*2.NEVER DESPISE SMALL BEGINNINGS*-Great things are hidden in small things.Every adult was once a child.The mango tree is in the mango seed.Start with what you have where you are.Small things make a lot of difference.You can't be a great mathematician if you avoid the basics of mathematics.
*3.NEVER TAKE FOR GRANTED THE PEOPLE GOD BRINGS YOUR WAY*-Whatever God has not given you, He has planted it in someone close to you.People are our link to the top.You must allow your negative experiences with people to provoke you to be a better person.The maid servant in Naaman's house was the link to Naaman's miracle.
*4.NEVER TAKE INFORMATION FOR GRANTED*-Information is vital in the school of success. The more you know, the better you become.Wherever you are is traceable to what you read, you were told, you have seen or you have heard.

*5.NEVER RISE UP AGAINST LEADERSHIP-*You can disagree with leadership but never fight against leadership.Your leader has the key to your next level.Your boss determines your promotion.It is foolishness for a baby in the womb to fight the mother.Submission to godly leadership is essential for unprecedented breakthroughs.
*6.NEVER STOP PURSUING YOUR DREAMS BECAUSE OF DISAPPROVAL*-not everyone will believe in you or your future.Don't allow public opinion destroy your dominion.Human affirmation without God's confirmation is confusion in disguise.Never allow your past to stop you.Never allow your mistakes to stop you.
*7.NEVER ALLOW INDISCIPLINE TO DESTROY YOUR FUTURE-*Will you trust your 1 year old baby with your car? You can't trust a man endorsing your important documents when he is holding the pen in the right hand and feeding bottle with the left hand.Discipline is operating with the rules.It is indiscipline that makes princes walk whilst servant are riding on horses.
*8.NEVER TAKE YOUR TALENTS AND GIFTS FOR GRANTED-*Everything you are given is a tool to solve a problem.Everything you are given has answer to your problems.Everything you are given is a tool to change the lives of many.Everything you have been given is a money making machine.Develop, nurture and grow your talents.It will sell.
*9.NEVER DESPISE THE WIFE/HUSBAND OF YOUR YOUTH*-When a man/woman says I do, it is a sign of great trust.Don't abuse that trust.Help him/her to be better than you married her/him.Of all the people in the world you are the one chosen by that man/woman.Why do you want to take this opportunity for granted.When was the last time you said "I LOVE YOU".
*10.NEVER TAKE AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO ANYTHING FOR GRANTED*-When you are given an opportunity, maximise it usage.The social networking sites are great opportunity for making Jesus known.It is an opportunity to advertise yourself and product.David grabbed an opportunity and it took him to the palace.
*11.NEVER FORGET THAT JESUS IS COMING SOON*-Please you can forget a lot of things but please don't forget that Jesus is coming soon.Have you given your life to Christ? Are you winning souls and discipling many? Never forget that Jesus is coming back.
*12.NEVER FORGET THAT SOMEONE LOVES AND APPRECIATE YOU-*_You are an answer to many_. Someone somewhere loves and appreciate you.

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