
Sunday, 25 June 2017


1 Corinthians 1:24
The bible says Jesus is the POWER and WISDOM of God and He is the SOURCE of our POWER and WISDOM too. Yes He is the WORD and whatever SITUATION you are going through right now, look at it through the WORD. The word of God is like a MICROSCOPE that scrutinises what your NATURAL EYE cannot understand. The WORD OF GOD will cause you to understand the DEEP THINGS OF GOD THROUGH HIS SPIRIT.

In life we meet challenges - sickness, disease, pain, suffering, disappointment, persecution and frustration but through them God BRINGS PROMOTION. How you look at your challenges will determine your FAILURE or SUCCESS in life. The word of God is the solution to ALL CHALLENGES and not what people may be saying about you. When the Israelites were being followed by the Egyptians with another challenge of the Red Sea ahead of them, all they could see was DISASTER. But Moses told them not to be afraid because he was looking at that situation through the WORD OF GOD.

There are times when you find yourself in a SITUATION, you look around you and there is NOONE to talk to. Friends and relatives ABANDON YOU. You find YOURSELF ALONE but being LONELY does not mean you are ALONE. Jesus Christ is with YOU. His WORD tells us that He will NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US ( Deut.31:6). Hold onto His Word and you will begin to have PEACE in the midst of your CHALLENGE. People may ABANDON YOU because you are not FEELING WELL. Friends, relatives, your brothers and sisters, your church may have forgotten ALL ABOUT YOU BUT in every situation put Jesus Christ at the CENTRE.

I want you this morning to look at your life differently. Do not be satisfied with what you have right now. SATISFACTION destroys your HUNGER. HUNGER for more. Hunger causes you to yearn for more and when you lose HUNGER, you lose your set targets in life. You cannot receive what you don't hunger for. Hunger is the missing ingredient in your life and God is USING THAT SITUATION, that CHALLENGE so that you develop an APPETITE for HIS WORD. Yes He wants you to HUNGER FOR HIS WORD. 

God wants to reveal HIS GLORY through you but you must HUNGER FOR IT. You were created in the IMAGE OF GOD and when God looks at you and doesn't SEE HIMSELF IN YOU, He may present challenges in your life so that you align yourself with Him. Is it PRIDE that is destroying you? Maybe your CHARACTER.God may elect to take a platform to remove that PRIDE IN YOU children of God. Maybe you take yourself to be someone who is so SPECIAL in your church or in your FAMILY or at your  workplace. God has a way of removing that PRIDE IN US.

 I  pray for CHANGE this morning. Change is when you begin to do things DIFFERENTLY. Let  people begin to see the LIFE OF CHRIST in you. Let them begin to see the IMAGE OF GOD in you. Get rid of that PRIDE child of God.

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