
Sunday, 4 June 2017

Ministers of God must stop the pulpit from contaminating the pew!!!

 Image may contain: 6 people, people standing and crowd
The word of God talks about the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13.
Five of them were described as wise virgins, while the other five were foolish.
The meaning of Virgin is pure, innocent,  unused, untouched,  dedicated,  committed,  faithful, honest,  sincere,  unfertilized and such like.
Virginity can be referred to  anything that has life and supports life. A church is a type of Virgin. A church can be pure if the teaching and worship systems are geared toward righteousness.
A person's heart, mind and character may be in a state of Virginity,  until it is contaminated.
A person can suffer contamination through what is heard, seen, touched, spoken or received.
We are living in an Era when the pulpit no longer teaches the pew how to stay in the realm of Virginity. Many churches are living in the realms of compromise in order not to offend anybody. Hahaha...Let the pulpit stop contaminating the pew!!!ministers of God stop telling the people what you  have to say and start telling them what God wants them to hear .

People split and quit the church when you try to speak or teach on the essence of Virginity. 
The time is running very fast.
The world is coming to  an end.
Evil is increasing every where and every second of the time.
Many churches are rising up, but less souls are being drawn to Christ.
Falsehood and deception are on the rise.
Let us be sober and learn the wisdom of Virginity.
We need to learn how to keep our minds, hearts, ears, eyes and mouth pure in a Virgin state.
Let us stay away from contaminating our children,  spouses, friends,  colleagues and our environments.
Let the pulpit stop contaminating the pew.
let the pulpit be teachable and correctable.
Let the pew be studious.
Let the pew learn to accept and embrace the truth.
Let us all submit to truth, and we shall know the truth,  and the truth shall make us free.
1. Oil is a type of wisdom that we need to preserve our salvation.
2. Oil is a type of knowledge that we need to direct our path.
3. Oil is a type of eye that we need to see and discern the truth.
4. Oil is the that of ear that we need to hear the voice of righteousness.
5. Oil is a type of mouth that we need to declare the purpose of God on earth, as it is in heaven.
6. Oil is the type of tongue we need to save souls and rescue the perishing. 
7. We need to be one of the wise virgins in order to fulfill our destiny on earth.
8. Let us learn wisdom wisely.
9. Let us not reject the counsel of wisdom.
10. Wisdom is the well of knowledge that never runs dry.
11. Wisdom is the well of oil that flows with the ingredients that fulfill destiny. Hahaha...
12. Oil is a type of river that never dries. Hahaha...
Beloved, try to target and pray for a soul to be saved from perishing before the end of this week.
God is calling you to share the gospel with a sin-sick-soul.
God is calling you to pray for that soul continously until he or she is arrested for Jesus.
Yes, it is time to turn that sin-sick-soul into a Virgin for Jesus.
Be a wise virgin that imparts live into others.
Prayer for salvation of souls:
Lord Jesus,  I commit the life of that brother and sister to you.
Let them not rest until their soul is saved and rescued from perishing.
Let that soul not have peace until they have surrendered to Divine arrest.
Let there be a hunger and thirst for righteousness in them, until the gospel is fulfilled.
Thank you Lord, for giving us the desire to draw souls into the kingdom of Righteousness.

My father my God!may someones life somewhere reading this message not remain the same in Jesus name i pray.

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