
Tuesday, 20 June 2017


** I tell ministers, what
you don't have in
abundance, don't
** "Anything you cannot
die for, don't live for"
** "Compassion is what
produces healing"
** "When people ask you how
much you have, where your
mind should go is what
you have been able to do
for others".
** "Your wealth is not what
you have, it is what up
can give"

** "You must sweep your life
and empty yourself of
every wrong habit,
Negative character and
bad lifestyle"
** "To locate what you have
lost, you must sweep
your life"
** "Without light, you will
marry a wrong person,
enter a wrong
relationship, begin a
wrong business and be
friend an enemy"
** "Without light, you will
marry a wrong person,
enter a wrong
relationship, begin a
wrong business and be
friend an enemy"
** "The absence of light
promotes captivity"
** "The devil does not pity
people, so why pity him"
** "An Anointing without
prosperity makes the
Anointing suspicious.
People would ask, if the
Anointing was genuine,
how come it has not had effect on and in you?"
** "if it is not complete, it
is not complete"
>>Apostle Johnson Suleman
**People don't leave Churches, people leave pastors who refuse to grow.
**People don't leave Churches, people leave leaders.
>>Apostle Johnson Suleman
Dear Pastors,
For every assignment, there must be consignment. God will bless you financial base on your capacity for the assignment. Whatever you like or not you must have a understanding that in ministry some peoples must be richer than some. Prayer don't change it. It is a function of capacity and mandate. Today they are setting people who are called money raiser in Church and don't no that when somebody come to your church and is able to raise money more than you, it's an abuse on your grace. For someone to called for funds in your commission more than you can do it means you have trust issues.
Ministry without money is like a dancer without legs. He has capacity, he has every form of intension because he had noting to fuel him, there are many of you reading this message now you have a call, you have a message but your problem is that there is no money to communicate that call, you have messages that can go on television but there is no money to translate it, you have lots of potentials when you see people operating you are telling yourself what is this, this look childish but there is no much financials to manifest.........I Pray For You Today By The Anointing Of Jesus, There Is A Turning around coming, coming to your financials a turning around coming, coming to your financials! .........LET ME HEAR A LOUD AMEN!
>>Apostle Johnson Suleman

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