
Monday, 17 April 2017

Your Pastors Should be the Most Spiritual People You Obey Whether Male or Female!

Many people today are not aware of the reason why God brought some men and women of God into this world. Some thinks that pastors are just just Professions, the answer is a big NO. Pastor is a CALL.

Your Pastors Should be the Most Spiritual People You Obey Whether Male or Female

Now read this carefully to grab more understanding:
Pastors have a tough job. They get more kicks than kisses. If a pastor is young, he?she lacks experience; if he/she is grey–haired, he/she is too old. If he/she has five kids, he/she has too many; if he/she has none, he/she is setting a bad example. If his/her wife/husband sings in the choir, she/he is being forward; if not, she/he is not dedicated enough.

If he/she preaches from notes, he/she is dry; if his/her words are impromptu, he/she is too shallow. If he/she spends too much time in his study, he/she is neglecting his people; if he/she makes home visits, he/she is not a good time manager. If he/she is attentive to the poor, he/she is after public approval; if he/she attends to the wealthy, he/she is ingratiating.

If he/she suggests improvements, he/she is a dictator; if he/she doesn’t, he/she has no vision. If he/she uses too many illustrations, he/she neglects the Bible; if he/she doesn’t use enough stories, he/she is unclear. If he/she speaks against wrong, he/she is legalistic; if he/she doesn’t, he/she is a compromiser. If he/she preaches for an hour, he/she is windy; less than that, he/she has nothing to say.

If he/she preaches the truth, he/she is offensive; if he/she doesn’t, he/she is wishy–washy. If he/she fails to please everybody, he/she is hurting the church; if he/she  tries to please everybody, he/she has no convictions. If he/she preaches tithing, he/she is a money–grabber; if not, he/she is failing to develop his/her people. If he/she receives a large salary, he/she is mercenary; if he/she doesn’t, it proves he/she is not worth much. If he/she preaches on a regular basis, people get tired of hearing the same person; if he/she invites guest preachers, he/shes shirking his responsibility.

Wow! And you thought your pastors had an easy life! How’d you like to change place?

Finally, be appreciative to your pastors, Care for them, Show them a Godly Love, Make sure you don't speak evil of your pastors, no matter how short, fat, thin, or tall they are, they are still your Spiritual fathers, They see what you don't see in the next 10 years to come. God bless you.

👉 I Salute all Pastors in the world!!!
 join prayerchamber to salute them

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