
Tuesday, 11 April 2017


In the Christian community we often find various secular activities or practices to be considered sinful and/or taboo. Tattoos continue to be one of those things that we as believers in Christ have considered to be wrong. People have supported this view with various scriptures from the Bible, such as Leviticus 19:28, while others haven’t questioned it at all and have solely based their opinion upon what others have told them.

 During our just conclude deliverance service [29th march 2017] which took place at the omega fire ministry Auchi,Gods choice servant apostle johnson suleman warned is followers against it,adding that its demonic not of God,they are actually symbols of images and anything image,God is against it.

However, over the past few years I have begun to challenge myself about certain views that I have as a Christian. Specifically, I have begun to wonder if certain practices are really sinful, or if they are just man made “sins” that over the years Christians have adopted as being wrong. As believers we need to start challenging ourselves and ensuring our thoughts of “sin” are biblically sound and not just something someone told us is wrong. We should fully understand what we believe in and understand why we follow certain practices that may or may not be offensive to our Heavenly Father. For that reason, I have decided to take a look into tattoos. This post is not going to tell whether tattoos are right or wrong, but provide you with tools so you can study it for yourself.

The Most Popular Reason Against Tattoos

(“Your body is the temple of God”)

Two of the main scripture references people give to explain why tattoos are wrong are Leviticus 19:28- Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord; and 2 Corinthians 3:16-17- Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. The reasoning most Christians use these scriptures is to express that our temple (body) is holy and we shouldn’t defile it by cutting or making markings to it.

Although this is true, the argument can be made that the reference to the Leviticus scripture is not valid for tattoos, because we no longer live by the Old Testament through the atonement of Christ. The atonement of Christ set us free from majority of the laws that were established in the Old Testament. Let’s briefly examine “WHY” we do not live by the Old Testament laws.

Before the time of Christ, there was the Temple of Jerusalem. Inside the temple there was a room called the Holy of Holies. Separating the rest of the temple from the Holy of Holies was the veil. Once a year on the Day of Atonement the high priest went into the Holy of holies to burn incense and sprinkle sacrificed blood of an animal on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant for the sins of the people. Before entering into the temple, the high priest had to go through specific rituals, such as, washing themselves, changing clothes, bringing sacrificial blood and burning incense. At that time God would show up and atone the people for their sins. However, when Jesus died on the cross and gave up the ghost (Holy Spirit) and the veil was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50-51) resembling we no longer are separated from God, nor do we need a man (priest) to reach Him (Hebrew 10:19-20). As a result, we are now living and abiding by the New Testament laws, however, that does not mean we disregard the Old Testament laws, it’s just that Jesus has fulfilled the laws through his atonement. Through the power of atonement, Jesus is now the mediator and by Him giving up the ghost He gave it to all of us. Therefore, those who are believers in Christ, have the spirit of Christ living on the inside of them. In Hebrews 4:14-16 we learn that Jesus is now our high priest and instead of going beyond the veil we can get atonement from God through his son Jesus Christ. In Psalm 141:2 and Revelation 8:4 we are shown that our prayers are incense to go before God directly.

So with that being said………should we be focusing on whether tattoos are wrong based on what is written exclusively in the in the Old or New Testament, or should we take a deeper look into the history of tattoos? It is important to note that most secular acts are not sinful based on the act alone, but can be viewed as sinful based on the history and origin in which it was derived from.

Let’s take a look into the history of tattoos….

So what is tattooing exactly? A tattoo is a form of body modification made by inserting ink into the dermis layer of the skin by puncturing the skin with a needle and injecting the ink by hand or with a machine which rubs the ink into the cuts.

In the days of Leviticus there was a lot of pagan activities and rituals being made to other god’s such as cutting your hair, killing and draining meat a certain way as well as cutting/marking your body (modern day tattoos). One of the most common satanic practices of the cutting/marking of your body was known as bloodletting. The term "blood-letting" originates from the word "let" – "to allow passing, going or coming"; hence "blood-letting" literally means to allow the blood to come, or pass. Throughout history the cuttings of the flesh and blood-letting are rituals performed to unleash demonic and supernatural powers. Because the "life of the flesh is in the blood”, the blood is highly valued in the occult as the "power source”, and by releasing or letting the blood or the "power source" – supernatural power is unleashed.

Even though very few people bleed while getting tattoos there is often times a clear substance that is still being secreted when your skin is cut or punctured that consist of plasma fluid. Plasma fluid holds the blood cells and makes up 55% of the body’s total blood volume; therefore, plasma fluid is in your blood, it’s just colorless. Thus, the act of tattooing can be synonymous to the practice of blood-letting.

So are tattoos wrong if you are a Christian…

Taking into account what the Old and New Testament says about cutting/marking the body, the atonement of Christ fulfilling the Old Testament laws, the body being a temple of God, and the history of tattooing, this topic is one that can be argued on both sides of the spectrum. The purpose of this post is not to give you an answer of whether tattooing is right or wrong, but to challenge you to study secular practices that may or may not have an effect on your faith in Christ.

By studying the Bible, praying, fasting, and looking into the history of tattoos, I believe it is up to each believer to decide what the right decision for them is. As believers, we are all at different stages in our walk with Christ, and Christ deals with us on our level. Christ has a plan for each of our lives and allows us to go through different situations for the purpose of our ministry; therefore, I leave you with these questions to research and study:

    Is getting tattoos wrong after being saved because your body is the temple of God?

    Does the history of tattoos and its connection to bloodletting conflict with the Christian faith?

    Does the atonement of Christ excuse us from what Leviticus says about cutting/markings, piercings, etc?

    Based on your research, is there really anything wrong with tattoos and should Christians be OK with getting one?

Please let us know what you think by sending your oppion directly via our email below.

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