
Thursday, 6 April 2017

OMEGA FIRE MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL MANUAL:Rhema For Living By Apostle & Rev Dr Lizzy Johnson Suleman Date: 6th of April. 2017

Scriptural Read: psalm 42
TEXT:"  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5
Stronghold is a place that's strongly built and difficult to attack. It is also an opinion or belief or feelings that are powerful. A stronghold is a defensive and fortified structure difficult to bring down.
Satan has built a lot of stronghold in our lives that stands as an obstacle to our progress. When we receive a lie contrary to the word of God, it is a stronghold because it is contradicting the word of God. There are fortresses that the enemy is building in our lives that need to be demolished. 

Strongholds of Satan are built in our soul i.e. mind, will and emotions. A lot of people's minds are occupied with unbelief; some believe nothing of heaven or hell. They say going to church is a way to prevent people from doing evil. Some believe that there are no true prophets thereby preventing them from receiving from God through prophecy. Some don't believe in miracles and some say miracles were done only in the Biblical history and so people perform miracles through some magic. Brethren, this is a stronghold that needs to be cast down.
 Some hold strongly that nothing good can come out of their family, that is how it has been so shall it be. God is telling you that no matter how you pray, you can't receive if these strongholds put in you by the enemy are not cast down. 

My father, my God, let every negative imagination in me be destroyed by fire.
Good morning Sir/madam.

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