
Saturday, 29 April 2017

OMEGA FIRE MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL MESSAGES-Rhema For Living By Apostle & Rev Dr Lizzy johnson Suleman Date: 29th of April. 2017

Scriptural Read: Roman 15:1-13

TEXT: " God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?" Hebrews 2:4

The new testament gives numerous account of the miracles jesus did during his earthy ministry. John 2:23 tells us that many believed in him when they saw the miracles he did, but there also many in his days Who did not believe in him despite the miracles. It is the same thing today,  as there are some of us who say that miracles don't exist, but this is a twisted opinion,  some of us have lived in, and experience the miraculous; we see, breath and experience miracles all the time. 

The very idea of the existence of a God is to believe in the supernatural. If you don't believe in miracles, then you don't believe in God! A miracle is God's supernatural intervention in the affairs of men. God is a spirit,  and he lives in the realm of the spirit.  When you pray to him, a God you cannot see wiyh your physical eyes, and he answer to you from that realm of life , that is a miracle.  His answer to your prayers is his response and that is what changes things and situations.

When you need a miracle, it means you need something that only God can do Ephesian 3:20 says, now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. ...." the moment you act on the word, he responds! He nerve fails to show up, as he always responds to faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,  today and forever. Hebrews 13: 8

Lord,  I celebrate your grace, I believe and expect your miracles.
Good morning sir/ madam

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