
Monday, 3 April 2017



I go through the books and parchments of generals n I'm amazed how life still lies in the pieces they left behind. As I examine the content, and the life the water these books hold,it makes me remember Elisha; although dead,yet his bones still giving life to the lifeless.
Jesus had died,resurrected and had gone to stay with the father yet his message birthed from a simple question of "are you the son of David?" Became the message peter preached that 3,000 lives were converted and added to the church.

At all times, we must seek to bless the body of Christ and equip it the best way we can. A humanly seen minor but effective member is better than a major but unproductive organ.
We're to inject Christ into the system of the lost and like Jesus said make them disciples of all nations.we're to cry in the streets like prophets of old, preparing,adjusting and remoulding the people for his return, imputing the right knowledge to men like Apollos.
We're to Robb the kneels of her comfort, weeping ,wailing and travailing until Christ is formed in every man. It's all begins with us and how passionate we're to see God's agenda come to full play. This is how we can become light,full light.
The product of what Christ has done through us would be the epistles not written with hands. We're to pray for the spiritually sick and like Jesus said ,watch them recover.
It will all begin with us rising up to our responsibilities.
Evangelism is not the only supreme task. Prayer is also, it is in prayer we wrestle for the souls of the lost n unborn. It is in prayer we take our place and become co labourers with Christ.
Surgeon said in Acts,when they had prayed the place was shaken but when we had prayed the place was taken.
We cannot subdue until we cry out from the ground like the blood of Abel. It will cost us death,first, death to self and death of our first born (I.e that,which takes the place of God and his agenda). This is how we can become the generation of them that seek him. When we lay a solid foundation for the coming generation.

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