
Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Yes it is according to scripture and a living conscience!
From the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, it condemn such act.
First, whatsoever God has join together, let no man puts asunder including the couple themselves,  or even any 3rd parties.

In the old testament, a Priest is only allowed to marry a virgin
Who is a Priest?
You and I, ye are a royal priesthood..... Our own type of priesthood of this dispensation is even greater than that of the old testament bcoz royalty, kingship is added to us.
So every born again Christian is a priest and must not, can never marry a divorcee.
Kingship - kings don't marry another man's wife, even David who mistakenly did what he did had to kill the man to bring a legal ground. Nabal died before David accepted his wife and that was conditional.

When vashti slips off, the King didn't marry another man's wife but a new bride (virgin, new)
So therefore I urge anyone in such a destroy-able act to desist to avert the wrath of violation of the Divine law.

Mercy O Lord
Two, who is a virgin?
This is both spiritual and physical, spiritual, he or she must be born again, if you are born again in the first place, you leave not your marriage, the scripture said if you leave, remain single and unmarried
While virginity on the physical hand speaks of a man who knew no man or woman before.
So therefore, a Christian (Royal Priesthood) can not and can never marry a divorcee.

Danger of Marrying a Divorcee
Death. Both can die, not just physical death, but a spiritual death,
Please show me a man or woman in the world both of now or of records in time past, there life is ........ Speaks volumes of there actions/deeds
Bible Reference: Lev 21:7, Dey 22:22, Jer  3, Mark 10:10-11, 1Pet 2:9
We should stand against every attempt of people defiling, breaking their marriage vows.
Now, put yourself in it, how do you feel seeing either your mother with another man? Or your father with another woman? Sincerity please? Despite you are a Christian?
Hatred, full anger? That's it, even your God's design body is against it, your emotions is against it, your reasoning is against it,so also does God because in His image we are created and made.
God bless you

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