
Saturday, 22 April 2017


THE EASIEST LOAD!                   
 (Matthew 11:28)  
This reminds me the THREE (3) CATEGORIES OF LOADS in the spiritual realm 
1. The load that you are   carrying with somebody.      
 2. The load that someone else (Jesus Christ) carried for us.
 3. The load that another person (Satan) place on us at our rest position. The third load (Devil's load) is the most serious matter in which the majority of the people in the world today are in the cage. Some people  are struggling and running helter skelter for survival in the world today, with their failure to trace the causes the problems (struggle) from the source (grassroot) and think on the solutions (way out) of the struggle. That is why the Bible says in the book of (Matthew 13:25) that "while men slept his enemy (Devil) came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way". Initially,  all humans were in the STATE OF REST with God in their comfortable position (UTOPIA STATE). Suddenly, enemy (Satan) Came and laid his heavy load on humans. No wonder, the Bible says in the book of (John 10:10) that "the thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal and to kill, and to destroy: I am come (Jesus Christ) that they might have life, and they might have it more abundantly".  

     Satan (thief) is the owner of the evil load that is placing on mankind. His purpose is to chain, cage, kill and destroy the GLORY OF GOD in our life with his evil loads and to put us in struggling and problems forever. "For this purpose, the SON OF GOD (Jesus Christ) was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1John 3:8)".        *   In a nutshell, the LOAD that I'm referring to in this message is SIN. The book of (Romans 6:1-2) says "WHAT shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that GRACE MAY ABOUND? GOD FORBID. How shall we, that are DEAD TO SIN LIVE ANY LONGER THEREIN?" What I'm trying to  bring out is that, God has sent His SON Jesus Christ to paid the price for our SIN (Isaiah 53:4-6).                                       *   Therefore, Jesus Christ is calling us today to "come unto Him, everyone that is labour and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)".    
  If you want to enter your rest, you must:  
1. Be born again (Romans 10:9, John 3:3).                        
 2.  Run from sin (1John 3:8, Romans 6:1-2).                      
  3.   Engage in purposeful fasting and prayer ( Matt. 17:21).                                     
 4.   Desire and manifest the revelation knowledge given to you from God 
(1Corinth 12:7-11).                                   
5.   Be the WORD addict. (Hebrews 4:12, 2Timothy 
 *  PRAYER POINTS:                
 Shake your head vigorously and cry with  a loud voice and command the owner of the evil load to carry his load by fire that you are not is candidate in the name of Jesus Christ (Amen).  

 finally, i want you to realised that GOD has already PAID THE PRICE for us through our LORD JESUS CHRIST and CARRIED OUR LOAD (SIN) UPON HIMSELF AND GIVEN US FREEDOM (Galatians 5:1). We don't need to struggle again than for us to believe that He has suffered, died and rose up because of me and you to give us eternal never be ignorance.

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