
Saturday, 1 April 2017


SadButTrue Series
1. Realize this: No matter what you say and how you say it, SOME people will never get it. That's not your fault!
2. No matter how pure your motives are, SOMEBODY will still accuse you of ill intentions. Stay pure anyways.
3. No matter how humble you are, somebody will still consider you proud. Stay humble, anyway.
4. No matter how generous you are, somebody will still call you "selfish". Remain generous, anyway.
5. Some of your greatest pains will come from those you gave the most pleasure.
6. Some of your greatest disappointments will come from those you gave your best appointments.
7. Some of the worst things you'd hear about yourself may come from those you speak the best of.
8. Not everyone in your ship is paddling in the direction of your dream destination. Discernment is key.

9. Loving people sometimes means feeling used by them.
10. If you fall for the temptation to take an eye for an eye, you'd be blinded to the bounties God has in store.
11. Sometimes, doing the right think ends up making you look like a fool.
12. Tough as it seems, any evil done against you can become a seed for your promotion. It depends on your response.
13. I'd rather appear foolish now and see the wisdom of God unfold than appear wise now and turn out a fool later.
14. Promotion doesn't come by fighting for your rights but by being faithful in doing what is right.
15. Those who will enjoy true promotion must be willing to forgive freely, forgive quickly and forgive wholly.
16. Those who will relish true promotion must be willing to serve many for free!
17. Read with caution: Sometimes, to see what God can do, you have to be willing to stop what you can do.
18. Without God's sign off, your biggest step can turn out to be your biggest mistake.
19. Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does.
20. Problems are easier to solve than people.
21. Many people will celebrate you only as long as your advancement doesn't exceed their expectations of you.
22. Some people get close enough to you just to find something bad about you to broadcast to the world.
23. Some people are quiet when you're succeeding but quick to point out your failures.
24. Some people are in your life for a reason. Some people in your life would prefer to see you in prison.
25. Love your enemies. Pray for them that despitefully use you. That hasn't changed.
26. Hating those who hate you makes them your leaders, since you're following their footsteps.
27. Rather than react to the situation. Respond to your revelation.
28. When people show you who they REALLY are, show them who God is- Good! Always do them good.
29. We don't do to people what they've done to us. We do to them what God's done to us. We love them.
30. Believe the best even when you're going through the worst.
31. Keeping a grudge is like keeping garbage you can't use, yet it's taking up space and no one is paying you rent.
32. Malice is a demonstration of your faith in the pain caused you in the past. It keeps you stuck. Good morning have a blessed day.

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