
Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything:WAKE UP & HUMBLE YOURSELF!

*A Day is Coming (Zephaniah 1:2-18)*
A day is coming when you will take your last
A day is coming when you will leave all your
possessions behind
A day is coming when your riches cannot
pay the angel of death
A day is coming when your educational
degrees cannot save you.
Yesterday,you were 10 years,now you are
above 10years.Where did all these years go?
Just ponder over it Our lives on earth is
liken to the wind that passes away _(Job 7:7)_
Beloved,someone who is prettier than you died
but her beauty couldn't save her. WAKE UP
Don't use your body to serve the world. For
your body is a temple of God! _(1Corinthians
Someone who is wealthier than you has pass
away but his wealth couldn't buy him longevity.
WAKE UP SOMEBODY Don't rely on your

Someone who is arrogant than you took his last
pride and arrogance can't save you
A day is coming when well-built men will carry
you not in the mansion you built but in a coffin.
It's time to get right with God!. You don't know
when your life will end so don't procrastinate
the salvation of your soul _(Ecclesiastes 9:12)._
What are your works;both open and secret
works. Remember,God has a book of
remembrance _(Malachi 3:16)._ Crush the
pride,the jealousy,the lying tongue,the
fornication and lay it at the feet of the cross.
GOD loves you; He doesn't care about what you
have done or what you have become! He cares
about saving you;Return to him today with a
broken heart in prayer Don't live for today
Prepare to meet your God _(Amos 4:12)_
LIVE FOR ETERNITY!. You were made for a
greater thing;Nothing in this world can satisfy
you! _(Matthew 16:26).
*The Holy Alphabet... This is Beautiful.....*
*A* lthough things are not perfect,
*B* ecause of trial or pain,
*C* ontinue in thanksgiving
*D* on't even think of whom to blame .
*E* ven when the times are hard,
*F* ierce winds are bound to blow,
*G* od is forever able
*H* old on to Jesus .
*I* magine life without His love,
*J* oy would cease to be,
*K* eep thanking Him for all the things
*L* ove imparts you to see.
*M* ove out of  Complaining ',
*N* o weapon that is known
*O* n earth can yield the power
*P* raise can do everything
*Q* uit worrying about the future,
*R* edeem the time at hand,
*S* tart every day with prayer
*T* o 'thank' is God's command.
*U* ntil we see Him coming,
*V* ictorious in the sky,
*W* e'll run the race with gratitude,
*X* ray sin and flee that you do not compromise
*Y* es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
*Z* ion awaits in glory...where no one is ever sad!
The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything..
Love and peace be with you forever, Amen.

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