
Thursday, 30 March 2017

OMEGA FIRE MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL MANUAL:Rhema For Living By Apostle Johnson & Rev Lizzy Suleman Date: 30th of March. 2017

Scriptural Read: psalm 31
TEXT:" My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. " James 1:2.

This implies that you celebrate in each trial of life. Attitude determines Altitude. The attitude an individual puts on will decide his victory or doom in respect to conflict of life.
Joy provides strength in conflict time. Any situation that can take the joy of an individual can take away his life. We should learn to rejoice in season and out of season. Joy provides strength in conflict times. Joy is a medicine that can heal numerous diseases. Most individuals die not because of diseases but because of lack of joy.
Joy creates an atmosphere which inspires creativity. Creative ideas can come for any situation. The victory over turbulent times are provoked by the ideas and initiatives inspired in peaceful joyful state. When you are joyful, you must laugh and when you laugh, you send your adversaries running away.

My father, my God, help and empower me for success in conflict times.

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