
Wednesday, 29 March 2017

OMEGA FIRE MINISTRY DAILY DEVOTIONAL MANUAL:Rhema For Living By Apostle & Rev Dr Lizzy Johnson Suleman Date: 29th of March. 2017

Scriptural Read: psalm 30
TEXT:" And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."Matthew 5:41
The strategy reveal by our anchor text is called technical knockout.

 When situations and circumstances, problems and oppositions compel thee to go a mile, go twain. This strategy will exhaust the strength of your challenges. When you are compelled to go one mile, your oppositions prepared just for a mile. By the time you initiate phase 2, you will force your opposition to exhaust his resources since he did not plan for the extra mile.
"And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to  them an evidence token of perdition, but you of salvation, and that of God." Nothing paralyses an individual as fear and no one can defeat an enemy he's afraid of. In time of conflict, no enemy strikes with absolute confidence of victory. The motivation of an enemy to proceed on a particular attack is derived from the fear of an individual (the believer).
Victory or defeat is not decided in war but by the mindset before war. Fear eliminates anyone any day in the sphere of life's battle, thus watch out.

My Father, My Father, As begin to pray , I activate the strategy of knocking out my challenges.
Good morning Sir.

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