
Wednesday, 22 February 2017

 This was inspired and written by admin.

Theme: The war against the flesh.
Romans  12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Can a normal person feel comfortable to stay in a house where he/she sees defecation, urinal, vomit etc all the time? The Holy Spirit lives by the standard of His Name and therefore, to be able to make Him comfortable in there, you must endeavor to live a holy life.

The scripture we read depicts that, there are services offer to God which are not reasonable. Your service to God becomes unreasonable when you don't understand the requirement of your service.
How can you be fasting for fourty days and yet you are habouring unforgiveness against someone? How can you give an offering of thousand dollars to God and yet you are not prepared to stay pure? How can you be praying for eight hours and yet you are jealous about your brother's/your sister's  progress?
How can you always be going to church but yet you don't want to obey God but still want something from Him? If you disobey God and still render your services to God, your services become unreasonable, because it's not properly done.
I want to let everyone reading this to know that, the fact that you are born again doesn't mean your body is born again. The sins you used to do in the world are the very same thing the devil will use to tempt you.
If in the world, you used to fight, being jealous, be envious, fornicate or commit adultery, tell lies, steal etc, they are the same things the enemy will use to tempt you for you to go back to the world.
There are some people who will say as for me, i'm not jealous about someone's progress but it's not true. Everybody has a little level of jealousy.
Even God Himself is a jealous God and so are we as His children.
How would you feel? when somebody you started life with, your classmate, your co- worker etc is prospering, getting married, having big church, having a strong anointing or gift and he/she is receiving a lot of accolades from people and yet you are not making any headway in life, your flesh will be speaking to you just like he did to Saul, when David was receiving applause from people.
When i initially gave my life to Jesus, whenever a negative thought flashes through my mind, i used to think, there may be still demons living in me, who need to be casted out.
But the truth of the matter is that, you cannot have Jesus and at the same time have the devil. I used to say Pastor, i have Jesus but pastor help me cast out the devil from me. You cannot have light and darkness at the same time. John 1:5.
As for the thought to sin against God, it will always come to your mind, but as a christian, don't allow those negative thought to make you behave madly. To be able to control the flesh from misbehaving, you must abstain from all appearance of evil. I Thessalonians 5:22
That means, if someone starts to insult you, don't stand there and think you will not respond to that person, run away from his/her presence or else he/she will say something that will provoke you to anger. Many christians tempt themselves, no one is above temptation and so for you to be able to overcome temptations of the flesh, you must put certain measures in place.
Don't enter into a room with an opposite sex, especially someone you've proposed marriage to. It has happened to me before, you may think as for this person, i don't like him/her and therefore i will not fornicate with him/her or you may say, the way i have determined not to sin, there is no way i will fornicate with this person.
At times you may really want to sleep, but you will be struggling to sleep, when he/she pays you a visit and it happens that his/her private area is being exposed, if you don't take care, by the time you realize, you will find yourself  on top of her. Even if you must visit him/her especially in the night, there must be someone with you.
Your mind controls your body and so if you can control your mind, you can control your body, Proverbs 23:7. To be able to overcome the flesh, make sure to battle any negative thought with the Word of God. Joshua 1:8.
 my bible says with God all things are possible.

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